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Learn how to master Blogger post SEO with these essential tips and tricks. Boost your blog's visibility and gain more readers now!
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Do you want to do content writing or are you interested in blogging If you
want to start blogging today, then first of all you want to write an article
for your website but you don't know how to write your content. How to
do SEO? One of the biggest problems you face in content writing is that when
you are writing an article, you try to make the content SEO-optimized, but
you are not able to do it properly. In this article, I will tell you the
simple steps, by following which you can create your own content. can
represent and get a high search ranking in your Google.
I can tell you with full confidence that after you read this article
completely, you will be able to SEO your content very well.
A lot of people use WordPress to SEO their content using different plugins,
but we use the same plugins to rank your content on the Blogger Blogspot
Website. We will cover accordingly so that our blog is fully optimized
and we will apply all the plugin tips you have provided in this post and all
the points we have covered. There are so that if you are writing
articles for WordPress or even if you are writing for a blogger which is a
free website then how to write your content better then also you have a
skill which you get content writing service, you can visit many such sites
on Fiver, Upwork, freelancer and easily contact with clients and provide
content writing service and generate good revenue.
Table of Contents
How to do Blogger Post SEO?
Now we will learn how to SEO A blogger post so we will cover 4 topics which
are below
How to Use Focus Keyword
Basic Post SEO
Additional Unique Tips
Title Readability
Content Readability
How to Use Focus Keyword
Whenever we write a post for our client or for any website, the first thing
we do is keyword research on which keyword we should write an article on,
the keyword research we do is basically our focus keyword. Which we
also use in the title and in place within our content. For example, I am
writing an article and my main focus keyword is "
Extraordinary Writing with the Best Henshu AI
".You can see the keyword I have written above is exactly the same keyword
which is the long tail keyword which is the short title of my post. My main
focus keyword is contained entirely within that title.
In order to write a good article, along with the focus keyword, you should
also use related keywords in your article, which will increase our keyword
density and post speed.
Watch Video to do Post SEO
Basic Post SEO Tips
Focus on Keyword in the SEO Title
Our first tip in Basic SEO is to use our focus keyword in the title of our
blogger post.
The Focus Keyword was used inside the SEO Meta Description
The focus keyword on which we are writing the article, we will use this
focus keyword in the description of this post is the meta
The Focus Keyword was used in the URL.
In this, we will use the focus keyword the same as in the post URL. If
you fulfil this requirement then you boost your blogger post easily.
The Focus Keyword appears in the first 10% of the content
Focus keyword which we have used in the title above, we have to write
this keyword in a Blogger post which is the first three paragraphs which
means 10 percent of your content. The entire focus keyword has to be
used anywhere in any of these three paragraphs to complete our SEO
The Focus Keyword was found in the content
If you use your keyword in your article, then this requirement will also
be fulfilled.
If you are writing an article, try that your article should be more than
700 words and if you want, you can write more than 1000 words. The more your
article, the higher your chances to rank in Google.
Additional Tips for Blogger Post SEO
The Focus Keyword was found in the subheading
In this requirement, you must use the focus keyword in any one heading of
the article.
Add an image with your Focus Keyword as alt text
In which you make your feature image, do it to use your Focus keyword in
its Alt tag inside your blogger post.
Keyword Density ( Focus Keyword and How many time appear )
So how many times your focus keyword has appeared in your article and how
many times its related keywords have appeared in your article will show
your keyword density.
Short URL
The focus keyword you have used in your title above if you create a
custom URL, it should be a short URL and your focus keyword should be
inside the short URL.
You are linking to external resources
In this, you have to do external linking, which means that when you are
writing any article of your own, if you have to give a reference, then you
will give a reference to an outside website from which the content of your
content will be read.
Internal links in your content.
In this, you will see that if you have written more than one article on
your blogger site, you will also give the link inside this article so that
your internal linking requirement can be fulfilled.
Title Readability
The Focus Keyword is used at the beginning of the SEO title
If you want to increase title readability then you must use the focus and
related keyword anywhere in the article.
The title has a positive or negative sentiment
You must select this type of title which has a positive impact on your
The title contains power word(s)
Make sure your title contains the best-optimized word which easily ranks
your articles in Google.
When you write your article, be sure to use the table of contents at
the start of your blog. It helps the audience to get the exact text
which they want. It increases user experience.
Use short paragraphs
Try that the paragraphs in the articles are not too long, if you do
that then your audience leaves your article which has a bad impact on
your post.
Your content contains images and/or videos.
There should be images and videos inside your article which has a good
impact on your audience, however, you should definitely use the image
inside your article, which gives more impact to the user on your
Personal Opinion
I give my personal opinion that I SEO my content using all these things and
my content is fully SEO optimized and its ranking in Google is very good if
you do it. By following all these tips, I can definitely say that you
too can write a great post for your blogger site. what are you waiting for
you have to apply all these tips to your blogger post and you will get the
results very soon.
Abdul Majeed, the founder of this website, is a skilled content creator with 2 years of experience. A social media marketer and lifelong learner, he works alongside co-founder Syeda Zahra.
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